
Amazingly Effective Way to Hook a Worm for Catching More Fish

For anyone that uses live fishing worms as bait, as many anglers do, there are certain things that can be done when the worm is hooked that can help you to catch more fish, which is something that most anglers aren't aware of. You are probably asking yourself how it is that I am aware of such a thing?

Well, it's really quite simple. More than a quarter of a century ago, I was taught how to hook a worm while fishing by a man who was well known throughout the area of the Northeast where I grew up, as being a sort of fishing master.

hooking a worm prior to fishing

He enjoyed catching fish in small rivers and streams, and live fishing worms were this man's "go to" bait. During the time that I had the pleasure of knowing this man, he taught me not only how to hook a worm in the proper manner, but also how to carry and care for the fishing worms that I was using as bait, so that I experienced more success.

All of these lessons resonated with me to such a degree that now, about 25 years later, live fishing worms are my go to fishing bait almost every time that I head out to try to catch some fish.

In this article I will impart some of the lessons that the aforementioned man taught me all of those years ago about using live fishing worms as bait. This way you can learn the most effective way to hook a worm, and can start catching more fish as you move through your fishing career.

The first thing that needs to be understood about using live worms as bait for fish, is that the worms themselves need to be as lively as possible. This means that the live worms that you are using need to be kept as cool, dark, and damp as possible when you are on the water fishing.

Direct sunlight (especially for any extended period of time) is the biggest enemy of live fishing worms. This is why your worms should be stored in a cooler, inside of your fishing vest, or in a bait bag when you are on the water fishing.

The bottom line is that when they are being used as bait, the worms that you are using need to be noticeably alive and vibrant to the fish that you are trying to catch. Few things will "turn off" a hungry fish like a dead or dying live worm. Now that we know that we are utilizing vibrant fishing worms, we will get down to exactly how to hook a worm in the most natural and realistic manner possible. In order to do this you need to employ something called a set of gang hooks.

gang hooks for catching more fish

While most fishermen will used a single fishing hook and attempt to "wrap" their live fishing worm around that hook in some manner, this is not what the man that taught me how to use live worms as bait did. He utilized the aforementioned gang hooks anytime that live fishing worms were being used as bait.

You see with these unique fishing hooks, which are simply two small fishing hooks that have been tied back to back, a live fishing worm can be hooked just once with each hook.  This enables the worm to be presented as bait to the fish that you are trying to catch in the realistic and natural manner that the fish are used to, which means that you receive more bites.

The bottom line is that if these tips are adhered to, you not only know how to hook a live worm for fishing, there is a good chance that live fishing worms will become you "go to fishing" bait just like they are for me.

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