
Basic Tuna Fishing Techniques That You Ought to Know

If you plan to go for tuna fishing on your next fishing spree, here are a few techniques on how to catch tuna.

Longline fishing is a common commercial way of catching tuna. As the name suggests, it makes use of a long line or the main line and the branch lines connected to the main line contains the baited hooks. These branch lines are spaced at even intervals along the main line.

One problem however of longline fishing is the accidental catch it can make to sea turtles and sea birds. To minimize this, sinking the long line deeper will help solve the problem.

a large tuna caught using a basic tuna fishing technique

Another way on how to catch tuna is through purse seine, where the fish or a school of fish is trapped in a net that is then drawn like a drawstring in a purse, thereby trapping the fishes inside. This technique however is good for tuna that comes in schools and other fishes that usually swim together in schools.

You can also catch tuna with a simple pole and line fishing equipment or use a harpoon gun, which has become a modern version of spear fishing in the olden times. If you love big-game fishing, it is also another technique on how to catch tuna.

In fact, the bigger kinds of tuna - the yellowfin, bigeye, and the bluefin tuna are among the big-game fishes known for their sporting qualities, and big-game fishing enthusiasts are aiming to catch and put in their boats.

Some techniques they use on how to catch tuna and other big game fishes is by throwing pieces of bait fish to attract them, or by using lures trolled at the back of the boat. Other ways to catch bigger tuna is by the use of fish aggregating device.

Keep in mind that catching tuna may involve fighting the fish as they can be exciting fishes to catch especially the yelllowfin tuna. It may yank the line off the reel and may take a longer time to finally subdue.

With this, it is important to remember some tips to help you with tuna fishing - keep your lines tight and make sure you control your reel speed!

It is also important to take into consideration the season or time of day that you are fishing for tuna, as this will help you vary your techniques for a more effective tuna fishing. Keep in mind also that tuna are often easier to catch in low light conditions as they tend to bite better in this condition.

Of course, you have to consider also your bait and lures, if your fishing technique needs one.

Random Informative Fishing Tip #1: Have You Ever Seen Extreme Fishing Videos?

Are you an extreme fisherman?

Well, maybe during the off season, you would like to watch your favorite televised fisherman go to the extreme on their videos, such as the boys from In-fisherman television. There are many extreme fishing videos out there for you to purchase.

weird looking fish featured in an extreme fishing video

These extreme fishing videos cover almost all types of fishing, and they do some extreme and out of the box type strategies to bring in the big fish. You can find an extreme fishing video at just about any outdoor store near you, or make it easier on yourself and browse through hundreds of fishing videos online sold by countless online sellers.

They are definitely a good idea to take your mind off of all the time in the winter when you probably will not be fishing.

Extreme fishing videos are not that expensive either. Online through cabelas and bass pro shops they are usually around ten bucks.

These are definitely good stocking stuffers and good gifts for anyone. What outdoors father would say no to an extreme fishing video as a small gift or extra gift during the holidays?

Extreme fishing videos are really exciting and make you want to fish even more if that is even possible. They put you right in the middle of their fishing excursion and take you for a ride.

They usually have extras at the end of the video to of bloopers and things of this nature, a good example would be Bill Dance fishing videos.

Random Informative Fishing Tip #2: Can Fishing Software Help You Catch More on Your Trips?

Have you ever thought of utilizing some good fishing software before and after your fishing trips? You may think that someone that goes to the trouble of using fishing software isn't a true hunter, but not necessarily. You’re not using the same wood and string fishing pole that your grandfather used are you?

My point is, animals evolve and so have hunters. Fishing software is just another tool you can use to track your performance. So what are the benefits of using this?

With fishing software you're able to track performance by many categories, such as lure types, colors, sizes, types of fish, sizes of fish, time of year, time of day, etc. Anything that you'll need to better predict the actions of a certain type of fish can be calculated with your entries.

Graphs and charts can be created based on your data, giving you more than just numbers and tables to look at. These charts can help bring out correlations in your data that you may not have noticed at first glance.

Fishing software also allows you to keep a mini diary or journal of your trips. This allows you to record and notes or tips you want yourself to remember on your next trip.

Like any good job, preparation is the key. This is no different for hunting or fishing. Fishing software does all of the preparation work for you so you have a good strategy next time you go out!

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